Authenticity: Your Evolution As A Leader

“Authenticity and knowing who you are is fundamental to being an effective and long-standing leader.” – Ann Fudge

The modern day woman inspires. 

She’s relentless, driven, and thrives on success. 

She’s a powerful leader. 

According to the 2020 Women in Business Report by Grant Thornton, women represent 29% percent of North America’s senior management and directors. That’s almost one third of senior leadership positions across North America.

As high-achieving women in these positions, we can be so driven to reach higher levels of success that we lose sight of what we’re sacrificing in the process.

As high-achieving women, we can be so driven to reach higher levels of success that we lose sight of what we’re sacrificing in the process. Share on X

Consider some of the great leaders of our times: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Marie Curie, Eleanor Roosevelt and Oprah Winfrey, to name a few. Leading by example, they’ve paved the way for a genuine management style to emerge. Today’s authentic leaders are mindful, transparent, and honest, drawing others to them like magnets.

A great leader is one who achieves success with significance, making a memorable impact on the lives of others.

Yet, as a high achiever, the drive to persevere and grow can come with sacrifice – your family, your free time, your health. By accessing your inner Self, you can find balance and authentically engage with what’s meaningful to you.

Let’s explore how to strengthen your authentic Self, so you more effectively lead to achieve success with significance…

What are the qualities of an authentic leader?

Strong Values

My previous article Your Core Values: How Do They Align With Your Authentic Self? shared the importance of defining your core values and what can occur when your values conflict. As you realize and live according to your core values, they will authentically integrate with your leadership style. 


Say something and follow through. People expect your actions to match your words. They’ll notice your honesty and appreciate it. When people trust you, new opportunities arise. 


Envisioning your future can help set a clear picture of who you want to be. Your vision will help you choose and align with your most authentic values. Setting long term goals to pave the way to your future vision will motivate you and those you lead. 

Self-Awareness and Vulnerability

Are you able to recognize and acknowledge your mistakes? Self-awareness and vulnerability are two key qualities of an authentic leader. Yet, it’s essential that you regularly assess your values and goals in order to stay true to these characteristics.


Your uniqueness is what sets you apart from others. It’s what makes you stand out as a leader. Maintain your individuality and express it! Your authenticity will position you as a role model to others.


How to evolve your authenticity to improve your leadership:

Hold Strong Values 

    • Make a list of values that you align with.  Choose a few top qualities. If you’re choosing from too many, it will be hard to adhere to them. 
    • Recognize other leaders and embody the attributes you admire. Think of individuals who have made a difference in your life, or people who stood out in their roles as leaders. Take note of what draws you to them and apply it to your own leadership style. 

Regularly Assess 

    • Contemplate your past experiences and how you feel about them. What would your authentic self have done in those same situations? Maybe you could have taken different actions. Or you might have successes that you  haven’t fully acknowledged. Make sure to celebrate those now.
    • Take time to reflect at the end of each day. Be mindful of the impact your actions had on you and others. Did these actions truly match your chosen values? If not, your review of each day will help you realign with your authentic self. 

As you embody the qualities of an authentic leader, you will possess what it takes to lead without sacrificing yourself. Authenticity is crucial to being a successful leader. Abiding by your values and integrating them into your leadership style will set you apart from others. Take the time to assess your authenticity and discover the powerful leader within. 

Click here to claim your FREE Core Values Assessment: Aligning Your Core Values To Your Authentic Self and discover a more authentic YOU.

This gift will help you:

  • Identify your core values
  • Determine any conflicting values
  • Find resolution
  • Experience greater peace and joy, knowing your authentic self is being expressed  

Want to hear more about how to evolve as a powerful leader? Click here to join the waitlist for the Success Without Sacrifice Experience and to receive additional information.  

Being mindful of how you lead will transform you into a truly amazing, authentic leader!  

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