What Is Success Without Sacrifice? Plus, How You Can Have It

Did you know that…

Embracing spirituality brings you success with more ease? 

Tapping into your unconscious mind accesses greater internal power?

It is you who creates YOUR reality? 

Yes, that can be a lot to absorb! Especially for a high-achieving woman like you who, like me, has earned a “PhD” in being successful with a lot of effort. Since each woman has her own idea about what success looks like, your desire for success may lead you to pursue greater career goals, financial goals, professional or personal development goals, or something else. Yet, when you achieve your goals, is the success as fulfilling as you’d hoped? 

Be honest with yourself… 

I used to think that accomplishing my goals would bring me long lasting happiness. It took me years to become aware that I was on a goal-achievement rollercoaster and to acknowledge that the cost to me was increasing over time. I had sacrificed my youth, my first marriage, my health, children, friends, and more for the illusion of what I thought success would be. 

Success doesn’t have to be about sacrifice. Life needn’t be about goal-setting and achievement. The key to a happy and fulfilled life is optimizing your spirit and mind. When you tend to your spiritual and emotional health, you uplevel your experience of life. Being spiritually mindful will allow you to embody success without sacrifice.

A spiritual mind shows you how to reach new levels of success without sacrificing your time, energy, wellbeing, relationships and more. Share on X

How the mind works

It’s important to understand how the mind works. It is made of two main parts, the unconscious and the conscious. Although your mind begins without limits, it adopts the limiting beliefs that are generated over time, both consciously and unconsciously.

The unconscious mind makes up around 95% percent of your brain. It manages and runs your body and stores all your memories. Your conscious mind, the part that does all your external interacting, is only around 5% of your brain. 

The integration of your conscious and unconscious mind is key to discovering your true Self, learning how to love yourself fully and knowing your purpose in life. You are then able to tap into your unlimited potential and have all that you desire.

When your conscious mind and unconscious mind work cohesively, you have access to success, harmony, and balance. However, unresolved memories and emotions can create conflict between the conscious and unconscious minds, which can result in obstacles to your self-discovery and personal/professional growth. 

It is crucial that your conscious mind is in sync with the unconscious mind. As I mentioned earlier, the unconscious mind controls the actions you don’t actively think about doing. It’s also where you store information you’re unaware of or not able to process at that moment. When we unlock the unconscious mind, it can connect with the conscious mind and they work together to help you access new levels of success. This is a different kind of success, one that is more spiritually aligned with your Self and thus it’s without sacrifice. 

Tools that unlock the unconscious mind


Those who practice meditation are more in tune with the unconscious mind. By tuning into your breath and shifting your awareness to the body you begin to slow down your thinking. Having fewer thoughts gives your conscious mind a break, helping you connect to the unconscious. If you have difficulty sitting still, you can do mindful meditation while physically active and focus on your movements with intention.


Your unconscious mind absorbs information and ideas that don’t pass through your conscious thoughts. When you hand write words on paper, you begin to engage with these unconscious thoughts. Writing is a powerful tool for accessing the unconscious. Starting a daily journal can help you connect. 


Picturing something, an idea or a feeling is another powerful way to engage with the unconscious. When you imagine something in your mind, you’re sending that information to the unconscious. Try creating a vision board of your goals and desires (be open to endless possibilities). Those images will be stored in your memory which is part unconscious.


The unconscious mind never stops, even when you’re sleeping. Before going to bed, spend time thinking about what success looks like for you. This is a great time to write in your journal or answer a question that you had stuck in your head. While you sleep, these thoughts will load into your unconscious, ready for you to use the following day. 

Spiritual Technology

These are techniques and practices (i.e. introspective questioning and energy shifting processes) used to tap into your unconscious and give you a higher level of awareness. Spiritual Technology helps deepen your inner connection and guide you to an authentic, empowered place. 

An extremely powerful form of spiritual technology is Accelerated Evolution (AE), as it is based on a blend of ancient metaphysical concepts derived from martial arts, Shiatsu massage, hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). 

Accelerated Evolution transforms unconscious energy patterns that get in the way of success. It helps with the release of conflict and struggle, limiting beliefs, and stuck energy such as unresolved issues. This allows for the flow of energy and freedom in all areas – relationship, work, money, family, fitness, and quality of life. 

In addition to earning my doctoral degree in metaphysics, I chose to become a Certified Accelerated Evolution Practitioner because I found it to be the most direct, swift and effective metaphysical method to create lasting change. If you’re interested in learning more about how Accelerated Evolution can help you, email me at support@AskDrWhitney.com

You can also begin to connect with your unconscious mind through journaling. Click here to claim your free gift, a 7-Day Journaling Starter Kit. This gift will help you:

    • Tap into your unconscious mind
    • Define what success means to you
    • Discover what fulfills your soul

By connecting your unconscious with your conscious mind, you develop the spiritual awareness to embrace success with greater ease and flow. Success is no longer a never-ending sequence of goal-achievement and sacrifice. It transforms into a spiritual journey based on the desires of your true Self. 

A spiritual mindset frees you from the cycle of constantly needing to be better and do more. It provides clarity for a greater life vision. One that opens you to new opportunities. A spiritual mind shows you how to reach new levels of success without sacrifice. 

Keep a look out for future information and programs about Success Without Sacrifice.

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