Elevate Your Spiritual Journey: The Choice For Love & Compassion

“Love and Compassion are the true religions to me. But to develop this, we do not need to believe in any religion.” ~ The Dalai Lama 

Each day you are blessed with opportunities for choice. From the food you eat, to the way you move, to the thoughts you think, every second of the day presents you with another opportunity for choice. 

In the past, when faced with choice, my actions were driven by the desire to achieve. My choice to persevere, no matter what, overruled my health and relationship needs, and reflected my perfectionistic tendencies to the detriment of all else in my life. 

It took me too long to recognize that something was amiss and to choose to design a different methodology for my journey. You may be able to relate to my story, even finding yourself in a similar position, looking to discover your own spiritual path to your higher purpose.  

A spiritual journey can be uncomfortable— especially for a type-A personality. As you embark on this path, you may feel some loneliness if you don’t have a like-minded community to share your experiences with, or some anxiety about letting go of the security of a controlled hold over your life. 

However, during the ebbs and flows of this journey, there is a choice that can remain constant. This choice not only improves your wellbeing, it eases you toward your higher purpose. The choice is love and compassion.

Love and compassion are the most powerful forces on earth. Acts of care and consideration towards another being can be shown through even the smallest gestures, such as a smile or a helping hand. Love and compassion can heal, nurture, uplift, and transform a life. 

When you choose love and compassion, not only does it nourish the souls of others, it enhances your own spiritual well-being, boosting your fulfillment and connecting you with your divine Self. 

Your previous choices to achieve success may have come with sacrifice to your wellbeing and to relationships with those you love. The ongoing drive of an overachiever can generate a sense of dissatisfaction. Choosing love and compassion fulfills a need to be more altruistic and elevates your spiritual path. 

Choosing love and compassion fulfills a need to be more altruistic and elevates your spiritual path. Share on X

Start with yourself


Nourish your body and soul with loving self-care. This could include pampering, time off, exercise, meditation, or positive self-talk to uplift you when you’re down. Anything that nurtures you is considered self-care and is an act of compassion toward yourself. 


Don’t be embarrassed to do something bold if that’s what you want to do. And don’t feel obligated to say yes to things you don’t want to do. Be honest about what you really want. Though it may seem loving to do favors for a friend, if it creates conflict with your authentic Self, you may cause harm to both your Self and your relationships. Do what feels most aligned for you. 


When you wake up each day, be grateful to have a new day to practice being in alignment with your authentic Self. Appreciation for each moment is the most loving and compassionate way to acknowledge your own being. 

Share with others


Share an ear of compassion and empathy. Hear what others have to say with patience and understanding. Don’t feel that you have to provide advice unless it’s requested. Sometimes the most loving thing you can offer someone is simply to listen and hear what they have to say at that moment. 


Share your knowledge with others. If you see someone struggling and you have the opportunity, take a moment to lovingly show them how it’s done. 


Acknowledge what others have to offer. They might not have the same qualities as you, which is what makes them unique. Appreciate them for being different. 

Every day you are blessed with opportunities of choice. Let love and compassion be the guides behind the choices you make. Through acts of love and compassion, your self-discovery can be enhanced and your spiritual journey can be elevated.

Do you relate to being driven towards achieving success no matter the sacrifice to your health, wellbeing, relationships and more? 

Are you interested in decreasing the amount of effort you expend, increasing the success you experience, and doing all this with ease and flow?

If so, join me on Wednesday, June 8 for my complimentary new one-time only online class, “The Three Step Formula That Revolutionizes Your Path Of Success, Activates Your Purpose, And Accelerates Your Results With The Greatest Amount Of Ease And Flow!”

More details coming soon! Save the Date – Wednesday, June 8, 2022.

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