A Spiritual Practice: How It Can Rebalance Your Life

A Spiritual Practice: How It Can Rebalance Your Life

I had reached a breaking point.

I felt numb and depleted – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I was disconnected… from myself, from others, and from the Universe.

I had burned out.

All this stemmed from my efforts to have my first telesummit be a huge success. So, I abandoned caring for my mind, body, and soul, in order to achieve this “success.” And I forgot to have fun and experience joy along the way.

It took this burnout reoccurrence for me to recognize my old destructive patterns. It was NOT pretty. (And as it goes to show… even a self-care expert like me can crash and burn when ignoring my foundation.)

A spiritual journey wants us to be present to the experience of moving forward. During the planning for my telesummit, I wasn’t present to my soul’s needs or my body’s needs. I was only present to my desire to succeed, thinking that this would bring the experience of fulfillment… but my soul yearned for more.

As I felt the desire to be connected again – with myself and the Divine – a spiritual reawakening took place. 

I became aware that I needed to completely realign my body and soul, so I re-engaged with my spiritual practice to get my life back in balance.

For me, it took a mini-implosion to rebalance my life. 

It doesn’t have to be the same for you!

Rebalance your mind, body, and soul by engaging with your spiritual practice. 

Rebalance your mind, body, and soul by engaging with your spiritual practice. Share on X

What is a Spiritual Practice?

A spiritual practice can be one or more specific activities you do to connect with yourself, the divine, and the world around you. The practices are usually exercises, processes, or rituals that work best when done with consistency, and they will set the tone for how you greet life. They are what guide you on your path as you move towards your life vision. A spiritual practice could include activities like meditation, journaling, yoga, creative writing, drawing, or a breathing exercise. An effective spiritual practice can shift your mindset and change your approach to life. 

As you begin rebalancing through spiritual practice you’ll begin to notice how it assists your well-being… 

6 Benefits of Having a Spiritual Practice

Connection with values

The actions that make up a spiritual practice begin with a mindset that is based on your deepest values. As you consistently engage in your practice, you’ll be reminded of how you want to walk, talk, and show up in the world. This, in turn, will prompt your awareness of the values that are most important to you. 


As you find a spiritual connection to something greater than yourself, you will begin to experience the true meaning of your life. As you seek answers and rebalance your life, the enlightening discoveries you make can bring greater happiness and joy. These unfolding experiences will also be accompanied by feelings of deep gratitude. 

Heal Your Body and Mind

Spiritual healing comes in many ways. It can come through self-healing or be channeled by a spiritual healer. Self-healing can be achieved through visualization, meditation, or prayer. Reiki healing, Pranic healing, and Quantum healing are other examples of spiritual healing practices. These practices can strengthen your physical and mental health through the shifting and rebalancing of the energy in your body, mind, and spirit.   

Achieve Even Greater Success

Having a consistent spiritual practice can be a great way to achieve higher levels of success with more ease. This can be a benefit of finding an aligned, purposeful life doing what you’re most passionate about. Your spiritual practice will accelerate your journey to find your purpose, rebalance your priorities, and align yourself with success. 

Experience Greater Freedom

Having a consistent spiritual practice will help shift your mindset from unwanted negativity, self-doubt, and anguish to positivity, confidence, and joy. By putting your focus on more important things, you are less likely to waste time efforting over what’s trivial. Instead, you’ll be more aware of how to create what you truly desire with greater ease. 

Lead a Fulfilling Life

Experiencing greater ease is just one amazing gift you will receive through your spiritual practice. You will rebalance and find it easier to let go of struggle and embrace flow, so your path guides you towards a more fulfilling life. 

The benefits of spiritual practice will take shape as you begin to focus on your journey. If you’re not sure where to begin, start by taking some small steps…

Finding the Right Spiritual Practice For You

>>> Ask questions

  • Why am I here?

Maybe you’re here to make a big impact in the world or in someone’s life. Whether your purpose is large or small, it’s up to you how you choose to live it.

  • How do I want to show up in the world?

Think back to your values. This is how you treat others and connect with the world. The energy you put out will be the energy you receive. 

  • Is this the experience I want for my life?

Fast forward to age 90. You’ve lived the life you desire. Journal about it. When you look at the things you’re doing now, what might need to shift in order for you to actually have that life you imagined. 

>>> Connect with your answers 

  • Make a decision

You can continue on the path you’ve chosen or maybe you need to make some changes. Evaluate your life based on the questions you’ve just answered and decide if you need to realign with your spirituality to rebalance your life.

  • Take physical action

Once you’ve made your decision, do it! When you take actions designed to bring you happiness and joy, you will eventually embody that. So choose the way you want to live your life and then act on your choices. 

Spirituality will give you a healthy, well-rounded, balanced life. Before I re-engaged my spiritual practice, I reached a breaking point. That doesn’t have to happen to you. As you focus on your spiritual practice, what seemed important before, may become insignificant. The forgotten and unappreciated may shift to a place of relevance. As you take the time to align with your spirituality, you’ll be more aware of how to rebalance your priorities with ease and discover a more meaningful life.

If you sense you’re on a collision course, like I was, or you’re wondering how to start your rebalance, find answers at my Success Without Sacrifice Experience. 

The promise of this free online event is for you to Master Your Energy, Get More Done In Less Time and Make Your Massive Impact In The World.

Make sure to click here now to register for this FREE 3-day online event.

November 12th-14th (Friday – Sunday)

Join me for this dynamic and engaging 3-day event to:

  • Break free from the addiction to achievement and accomplishment to experience true fulfillment
  • Learn how to listen to your body, so you stop overriding and start honoring yourself (this is the key to not burning out)
  • Get pragmatic tools to shift your self-talk from negative to positive, so you increase your confidence and energy
  • Discover the mindset shifts you need to stop pushing and efforting, so you get more done in less time with greater ease
  • Tap into your inner power, passion, and purpose to uplevel your leadership and impact (personally and professionally)

Click here now to register for Success without Sacrifice Experience.


Time to Rebalance? 6 Ways to Rediscover and Take Action On What’s Important to You

Time to Rebalance? 6 Ways to Rediscover and Take Action On What’s Important to You

It might be your garden or your children. 

Perhaps spending time with good friends. 

Maybe it’s an early morning walk or meditation. 

Or a date night with your significant other. 

What fills your soul with joy?

More importantly, are you making the time for it?

We all have commitments that require a great deal of time and energy. As high-achieving women, we tend to work hard on what we believe will bring us profit and success. Yet this drive is also a powerful force that can take us away from other, more meaningful experiences, potentially creating an imbalance in life. 

Balance is an important element to consider as you move through your day. It calibrates your energy and enhances aspects of life, such as: health, work performance, relationships, and personal growth. Even when you have a pressing goal that keeps you working round the clock, it’s still essential to make time for balance. So, look at what you may have relinquished in the past because you just didn’t have the time

We can all benefit by embracing activities that hold more meaning for us. There’s much more to life than accomplishing the most immediate goals on your plate. For example, experiencing a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. When you make the time to focus on and prioritize what you may previously have set aside, you discover renewed joy and a balance that allows you to thrive. 

How will you know what a balanced life looks like? Consider the following elements…

A Balanced Life Includes:


Staying active is important, not only for your physical health, but for your mental health as well. Health and fitness help with brain activity, making you feel more alert, focused and present. It also helps regulate hormones that manage mood swings and help you sleep, two important factors that promote wellbeing in all areas of life.


Having faith or a spiritual practice can give you a sense of purpose. Identifying your beliefs can positively shape your values and priorities, which can lead to more focused and conscious actions. 


Sharing quality time and communicating with loved ones promotes deeper feelings of trust. This can help you make more powerful choices and grow into the person you’re meant to become. 


If you’ve ever experienced the burden of financial stress, you know it can suffocate your well-being. Getting your finances in order will release that stressor and allow you to focus on more positive things. 


Much like family, friends will help you grow. A good mix of friends and family is an awesome support system that will help you achieve and maintain balance. 


Consider your most meaningful accomplishments when yearning for a balanced life. To achieve your heart’s desire is an amazing feeling! Celebrating these moments provides the inspiration that carries you forward on your life’s path. This serves as positive reinforcement of how far you’ve come on your journey!


Embrace playfulness! Fun can  balance stress and worry. Bring out the child within – have fun, laugh, and experience greater joy! 

Personal Growth

As you grow you learn, and as you learn you grow. Without personal growth, you can not conceive the wisdom that brings balance to your mind and soul. 

Take a moment to reflect on these 8 elements.

Are you sacrificing one for another? If so, consider how that impacts  you.

You can regain harmony and improve your overall wellbeing as you achieve a life of balance.   

You can regain harmony and improve your overall wellbeing as you achieve a life of balance. Share on X 

6 Ways To Rediscover and Take Action on What’s Important  

           1. Commit to a daily intention

Think about which areas you desire to put more attention towards. Shift your focus to what’s more meaningful. Speaking this new intention into existence daily will help you commit to what’s truly important. 

2. Focus on progress, not perfection

Perfection is an illusion. Through my spiritual journey, I have learned that we are perfectly imperfect beings. And that is perfect! When we can accept that – and stop striving for perfection – we will have the time and energy to devote toward more meaningful experiences. 

3. Notice how you spend your free time

No judgment. Simply ask yourself if your activities are taking you in the direction of your life’s vision. Once you evaluate the use of your free time, you may choose to change your habits to those that promote a more balanced lifestyle.  

4. Say “No”

It can be a virtue to be helpful, but not when it’s at your own expense. You need not please or appease others. It is healthier to respectfully say “No” than to feel resentment (toward yourself and others) and exhaustion.  

5. Schedule alone time

Enjoying “me-time” reconnects you with your feelings and enables you to organize your priorities. This gives you greater internal power and the freedom to address the 8 personal elements mentioned above. 

6. Declutter

Out with the old and in with the new! Apply this concept to all areas of your life. If the amount of time and effort is greater than the return, release it to make space for what adds more value to your life . 

Rebalance your life by rediscovering and taking action on what’s most important to you. Uplevel your wellbeing by devoting time and energy on what will feed your spirit. Reconnect with what you love – your family, your garden, your Saturday bike rides, or your evening meditation. When you realign with your passions you’ll find a greater balance within, satisfying the essential aspects of your Self. 

Click here and claim your FREE Checklist: How to Achieve Balance in Your Life. Use this checklist to assist you in identifying the areas of your life to recalibrate.

Over time, this will help you:

    • Organize priorities
    • Embrace forgotten interests
    • Generate new ideas
    • Gain new perspectives
    • Initiate new connections
    • Rebuild relationships

When you rebalance your life by reconnecting with your passion, you experience greater fulfillment, freedom, and joy!

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail: 7 Pitfalls to Watch Out For (And What to Do Instead)

It’s only a few weeks into the new year, yet I wanted to check in.

Is your motivation still going strong? Or is it fizzling out already?

Setting new year’s resolutions can feel like receiving a jolt of adrenaline. You’re brimming with inspiration and drive. But when you start going through what is required to manifest those resolutions…

Action isn’t always as exciting as setting the intention.

You’re certainly not alone, either. Did you know an Ipsos survey showed that 30% of new year’s resolutions fail within three months?

Imagine if this were to happen year after year? It may not be noticeable at first, but you might start to…

  • Feel unworthy of manifesting your goals
  • Question your competence
  • Invalidate your self-worth
  • Start being more critical and unkind toward yourself
  • Keep postponing your goals (there’s always next year, right?)

You might even wonder why it’s worth pursuing new goals when you know you’re going to fail anyway.

It’s time to change all that.

Chances are you’re making avoidable mistakes. If you want to finally fulfill your resolutions so you can enter the next year feeling more empowered and motivated, be sure to watch out for these pitfalls.

Chances are you’re making avoidable mistakes. If you want to finally fulfill your resolutions so you can enter the next year feeling more empowered and motivated, be sure to watch out for these pitfalls. Share on X

Break the Cycle of Failed New Year’s Resolutions: How to Jump Over 7 Pitfalls and Achieve Your Goals

#1 You set one too many resolutions

Let’s face it. You’re busy.

If adjusting to the new normal during a pandemic wasn’t enough, imagine adding three, four, or even five goals on top of all your daily responsibilities!

Juggle too many things, and something is bound to drop and break.

Try this instead: choose one or two resolutions.

When it comes to your goals, less is more.

Instead of scattering your resources (and stretching yourself thin) to fulfill multiple goals, concentrate on one or two goals. 

This encourages you to prioritize which goals will manifest your purpose. Start with those and save your other resolutions for the next year!

#2 You miss the target because you didn’t create one

It isn’t enough to just say:

  • Lose weight
  • Find a better job
  • Focus on mental health
  • Save more money

Vague resolutions make it too easy to miss the mark. If you don’t create a specific target, you’ll miss every time.

Try this: Focus on measurable outcomes and daily habits.

Instead of losing weight, your resolution could be to lose six pounds each month by walking 30 minutes daily. If you want to feel more grounded after a stressful workday, resolve to meditate for ten minutes each morning.

Get specific on the outcome you want to achieve. Then brainstorm how you’ll manifest that outcome through a daily habit.

#3 You hang out with your electronics too often

Provision Living surveyed 2,000 adults and found that participants spent an average of 5.4 hours daily on their smartphones. 

If you work for eight hours, sleep for eight hours (ideally), and spend five hours on your phone, you only have three hours left for everything else!

After accounting for home schooling, errands, chores, and other obligations, there’s not much time left for your goals. 

Try this: Set designated hours for screen time.

Setting strict “usage hours” for your phone — say two hours in the evening — helps reclaim your time. The latest news and updates on social media can wait until after you work on resolutions.

#4 You attach your self-worth to your resolutions

Do you believe you’ll be worthy of love and happiness, but only after you lose the weight… or after you make enough money… or after you do this or that.

Some women set resolutions because they think that they’ll finally feel good about themselves if they achieve them.

But when you don’t follow through, you doubt your self-worth. 

Try this: Recognize that your self-worth is already there.

Your self-worth has nothing to do with any outward accomplishment. You have inherent worth because you exist.

If you fall short on your resolutions, your worth isn’t affected. You just fell short this time. When you work on your resolutions this year, know that you don’t need to prove anything to any one to be worthy. 

You already are.

#5 You turn ant hills into mountains

One slip-up shouldn’t be used as an excuse for multiple setbacks in a row.

Let’s say your goal is to lose weight and fix your diet. If you over-indulge with one meal, it doesn’t mean, “Oh, I already messed up. I might as well continue to splurge for the rest of the day and restart my diet tomorrow.”

This justification sounds sweet… And it might even make sense in the moment.

But it puts you on the fast track to sabotaging all your hard work.

Try this: Get back on track ASAP!

A good rule of thumb: don’t let it happen twice. If you over-indulge in one meal, get your diet back on track for the remaining meals. 

#6 You procrastinate without realizing it

Have you ever fallen prey to this type of thinking?

I want to lose weight, but I need to buy the new Fitbit first. I also need to do some research on the best workout routines. Oh, and I really need to give my workout wardrobe a refresh.

You could spend days, weeks, or even months trying to set up the perfect conditions.

This pitfall is easy to fall into because it feels like you’re doing something, but what’s really happening is you’re procrastinating.

Try this: Get started now and adjust as you go.

Your resolutions don’t require you to fulfill “prerequisites.” You don’t need all of the above to lose weight. You can start with a brisk walk outside today. And if you find that you need something, adjust as you go.

#7 You hold on to other people’s opinions

Be honest with yourself.

Do you set new year’s resolutions for yourself or do you create them so you’ll look good to others?

Of course, it’s the first reason. Whether it’s to feel more energy, experience more joy, or to create better opportunities for yourself, your well-being is at the center of your resolutions.

Why, then, would you seek external validation?

As you work on developing yourself, the people around you may notice. They may even criticize you for the changes you’re making.

A friend may be annoyed when you refuse to order pizza because you’re working on your health. A loved one may start acting passive aggressive because you’re making positive changes, while they are not.

Not everybody will cheer you on, and that’s okay (that’s why strong support systems are often rare and invaluable). 

A new year’s resolution is a pledge between you and yourself to improve your life. If the desire to improve yourself exists, then the opinions of others do not matter.

Try this: Let go of what does not serve you.

The opinions of others. Perfection. Shame and guilt. 

These things do not serve you. Rather, they distract you from attaining the life you desire.

Imagine what would happen if you could let all of these go. Imagine the greater ease you would experience on your self-development journey.

Is that something you desire?

If so, here’s a gift that will enable you to create your best life. Let Go of What’s Holding You Back is a free 2-part gift, checklist and worksheet, which provides helpful tips for letting go of the things that cause struggle and overwhelm and allowing for more ease. 

The checklist is a great reminder of what to let go of, and it will take you even further than what’s shared here. With this checklist, you can accelerate greater freedom, flow, and fulfillment in your life.

The worksheet walks you through how to let go of the specific things that you feel you need to let go of, giving you the steps to do this. You’ll be able to let go of the past and move into a future that you have designed.

Just click here NOW to claim your complimentary checklist and worksheet, Let Go of What’s Holding You Back, and learn how to create your future and all you desire.

Also, if you’re not already part of my online community, click here now to sign up and make sure you’re the first to know when there’s a new semi-monthly blog, free gift, program, and other helpful tips for how to overcome struggle and overwhelm and create your best life with ease.

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